For questions or advice, please contact us:
Call (0031) 033 – 475 79 61 or go to the contact.
It all started in 1992, when Bertil and Erik met at De Parade (The Parade). Plans were made, meetings were scheduled and there it was: the birth of the first Fountainbar. It was the first of many awesome projects and the start of a fruitful collaboration.
In 1996, Manon joined the team. Since then she’s been the one taking care of the whole operation, making sure our bars and projects are getting to where they need to be. Our partner Edwin joined in 2013: together we worked on our sustainable tent La Tramontana.
Marriages were concluded, kids were born and more Fountainbar tents were designed. We are a family by choice, and that makes the work we do together even more valuable to us.
In our workplace in Soest near Utrecht, The Netherlands, we do the maintenance of our existing projects and challenge ourselves to dream up new ones. We still very much enjoy each other and the business we started more than 25 years ago: the Fountainbar Firm.
For questions or advice, please contact us:
Call (0031) 033 – 475 79 61 or go to the contact.